

Girafarig (Japanese: キリンリキ Kirinriki) is a dual-type Normal/Psychic Pokémon introduced in Generation II.

It evolves into Farigiraf when leveled up while knowing Twin Beam.


Girafarig is a cloven-hooved, quadrupedal giraffine Pokémon with a long neck. There is a white blaze on its muzzle, which ends in a round, pink nose. It has two ossicones with bulbous tips on top of its head. Its front half is yellow with brown spots, while its back half is brown with yellow spots. The brown section on female Girafarig is smaller than that of the male. There are many triangular, pink spikes along its back. Girafarig lives in savannas and grasslands, where it feeds on the plant life.

Girafarig's tail possesses a head of its own. The tail's head has yellow eyes, a mouth full of sharp teeth, and a small brain. However, this head is incapable of independent thinking and relies on outside stimuli such as smell to guide its actions. If the tail smells something alluring, it will bite. The tail often mimics the head during feeding and is able to warn the Pokémon of danger if it is sleeping. The tail head can also unleash psychic powers.

Girafarig and its evolved form, Farigiraf, are the only known Pokémon capable of learning the move Twin Beam.


Girafarig evolves into Farigiraf.

In the anime

Major appearances

Girafarig made its main series debut in The Psychic Sidekicks!, under the ownership of Cherry. The bond that Girafarig formed with Cherry allowed it to predict the attacks of Team Rocket’s Giant Gengar and communicate with Cherry. It also demonstrated a powerful Future Sight.

In Cruisin' for a Losin', Sonny used a Girafarig during the Battle Stage of the Rubello Contest. It went up against Drew's Masquerain, but it lost after Masquerain used a combination of Bubble, Ice Beam, and Hidden Power.

In Saved by the Beldum, Morrison used a Girafarig during his Ever Grande Conference match against Ash, but due to Morrison's reluctance to battle his friend, Girafarig was easily defeated by Corphish's Crabhammer.

In A Full Course Tag Battle!, Roman used a Girafarig alongside Kylie's Drifloon in a Tag Battle against May's Blaziken and Dawn's Piplup at the Seven Stars Restaurant. Girafarig was ultimately defeated by a combination of Piplup's Bubble Beam and Blaziken's Fire Spin.

Minor appearances

Girafarig debuted in Spell of the Unown: Entei, under the ownership of Lisa, who used it to battle Ash during the opening sequence. It went up against Chikorita and ultimately won.

In Entei at Your Own Risk, a Girafarig was resting in hot springs.

In A Claim to Flame!, a Trainer's Girafarig battled in a qualifying match for the Silver Conference.

In Beg, Burrow and Steal, a Girafarig was living in an underground paradise.

In Odd Pokémon Out!, multiple Girafarig were living on Camomile Island.

A Coordinator's Girafarig appeared in Thinning the Hoard! and Channeling the Battle Zone!.

In An Elite Meet and Greet!, Lucian used a Girafarig in a battle against a Trainer's Scizor. Despite having a type disadvantage, Girafarig was able to defeat Scizor.

In The Rise of Darkrai, Darkrai hit a Girafarig with Dark Void.

In Gone With the Windworks!, Lyra used a Girafarig to help break down a locked door, but it was unable to do so.

In Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs (Part 1), Pokémon Pinchers captured multiple Girafarig.

In Last Call — First Round!, a Coordinator's Girafarig competed alongside a Rapidash in the Performance Stage of the Sinnoh Grand Festival.

In The Power of Us, Callahan caught a Girafarig during the Pokémon Catch Race. Two others were under the ownership of Trainers.

In the manga

Ash & Pikachu

Similar to his anime counterpart, Morrison owns a Girafarig. It appeared in A Clash Of Wills!! Eternal Rivals?!.

Pokémon Adventures

In Into the Unown, Harry of Team Rocket's Elite Trio owns a Girafarig. It was used in an attempt to capture Suicune in Miltank Melee, it fell asleep temporarily by Parasee's Spore in Indubitably Ditto. It was used in Great Girafarig, to battle Eusine where it used its tail to find him but it fell into its trap and got electrocuted.

In Quilava Quandary, the Day-Care Couple used a Girafarig to train Gold.

In Misdreavus Misgivings, Morty helped a Trainer locate her lost Girafarig. It notably has a scar under its eye. Later, in The Last Battle XIII, the same Trainer was one of the people who volunteered their Pokémon for transfer, sending her Girafarig over.

In The Last Battle XIII, a Girafarig was sent to participate in the fight in Ilex Forest.

In Tackling Togekiss, Lucian used a Girafarig to move books with its mind and bring them to its Trainer.

In Weavile Wobbles But It Won't Fall Down, a Psychic's Girafarig was at the Safari Zone.

In the TCG

Main article: Girafarig (TCG)

In the TFG

One Girafarig figure has been released.

Groundbreakers: Girafarig


Girafarig's name is a palindrome.

Keeping with the theme, its low-HP quote in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon is also a palindrome.

An early design of Girafarig had a full-sized second head, reflecting its palindromic name, and resembling a Pushmi-pullyu.

Additionally, it was intended to be Dark/Normal-type and to have a pre-evolution, named "Tsuinzu" (Japanese: ツインズ), which literally means "twins".

Girafarig's English name was suggested by Jeff Kalles, who assisted in the naming of many Generation II Pokémon.[1]


Girafarig appears to be based on the okapi, also known as the forest giraffe, and the giraffe. It may be based specifically on the Giraffokeryx, an extinct genus that resembled both the okapi and the giraffe.

Girafarig's tail may be based on that of the mythological Chimera, referencing the chimerical nature of the kirin, a mythological creature that shares its name with the giraffe. With its abrupt split in color, Girafarig may also represent genetic chimerism.

Name origin

Girafarig may be derived from giraffe. The name is a palindrome, which may refer to its two-headed appearance.

Kirinriki is a palindrome which may be derived from 麒麟 kirin (giraffe). It may also involve 念力 nenriki (telekinesis).

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